Friday, September 7, 2007

Question Time's Weakness = Attractiveness


To me, Question time’s downfall is its sole element of attractiveness to a younger audience. I am talking about the immaturity that seems to go on between the two major opposing parties. It is rather amusing to watch one senator have a dig at another with sly remarks or just straight out rudeness.
A good example of this is from 7/9/07 question time in the senate. Queensland Senator McLucas (Labour) calmly asks a question to South Australian Senator Minchen (Liberal) about the government intervention of the Mercy Hospital in Tasmania. Senator Michen responds with the comment “Thanks for that question, it is interesting a QLD senator has to ask a question on a TAS issue, where is the TAS senator, the labour party is clearly all over the place on this issue,” – blatant dig.
I also had to chuckle later in the answer to Senator McLucas’s question when Senator Minchen started imitating Kevin Rudd in saying he only really had two policies.

The drama is as follows:

Minchen imitating Rudd (high-pitched and sarcastic voice) when being asked on his position - “Oh I don’t have a position; I’m just going to have a look at this, see this and see that.”

Minchen being the comedian of a senator he thinks he is: “Rudd only has two policies for this election,
1) To wreck our industrial relations system,
2) To cut 60% in carbon emissions.
We cannot find any other policies. When we make a significant intervention to ensure the retention of health services in Tasmania, Mr Rudd is nowhere to be seen, and nor are any of his Tasmanian senators, which is fascinating.”

Haha – funny. Almost like a slinging match from Home and Away with slightly less attractive people and in parliament.

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